Check Your Privilege by filling ID No.
How to get your privilege?
Fill ID No.
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Get confirmation of privilege via email
Redeem your privilege at Nationwide Nissan Showroom

Nissan Leasing F1RST customer get Special offer
Get discount max
0.2%* -
Down payment
0%* -
Monthly installment max
84 months -
1st class insurance*
- 0% down payment
- No required guarantor
- Pre-Approved loan
Terms and Conditions
- Get 0.2% discount rate for New NISSAN MC only
- Free 1st class insurance only for participating models and campaigns
- The old customer who gets discount on interest rate subject to participating models and campaigns (earned minimum interest rate at 0%)
- The eligibility for Nissan Leasing FIRST:
- Being an old Nissan Leasing customer who punctually payment, never get overdue.
- Received notification/confirmation via SMS or have a list from authentication with QR Code or the Company's website.
- Submitted some documents to Nissan Leasing for initial credit consideration. This privilege are exclusivity which unable transferred to other persons.
- The privilege can be transferred to 1st tier (Parent, Spouse, Child, Sibling) and the customer must be the guarantor for the case.
- The company reserves the right to determine qualifications and conditions, as well as consider credit under the company's rules
- The company will deliver the gift to you after the contract has been completed.

Interest in our Special offer